Transportation Costs


Orders typically leave our warehouse within 48 hours after your order is received and processed. We do not process orders or ship on the weekends.

1: Shipping

  • We will ship your package safely and securely

2: Shipping Cost

  • All prices and figures are listed in Payment page
  • We Do Not Charge Any Membership.

3: Operation process

  • If you are not at home during the delivery time, the delivery unit can do two things, which are:

1: The delivery unit may retry to deliver the package to you the next business day

2: The delivery unit may attempt to deliver the package to your neighbor and will notify you of this.

  • If you are not at home on the second delivery, the delivery unit can do two things, namely:

1: the delivery unit will deliver the package to the nearest delivery point where you can receive the package in 14 calendar days and the courier will notify you of this;

2: The delivery unit may attempt to deliver the package to your neighbor and will notify you of this.

If you do not pick up the package at the time of packing, it will be returned to the sender. In this case, we will contact you as soon as we receive the package in stock. This also applies if there is an incomplete or incorrect address on the package.

In either case, we do our best to get the product to you as soon as possible.

4: Change Of Address:

  • We cannot change the delivery address once it is in transit. If you need to change the place to deliver your order,

5: Wrong Address:

  • If you provide a wrong address during checkout and our product is returned to us then you will responsible for all shipping costs for re-sending the product.